eight resolutions

Let it snow! If you anywhere in the Midwest right now I don’t have to tell you how much snow or how cold!  I hope you are keeping safe and warm!

Elizabeth scolded me for not revealing the eight things I resolved when I was at my little retreat in New Mexico. The truth is that she and I discussed them at length on our Monday night phone call that week. She is certain that I should reveal them in this blog. My intention was not to withhold information, only that, well, everybody has their own eight things, don’t they? Don’t we all take the time at some time in our lives to think and ponder until we straighten the scrabbled thoughts in our mind into semi-straight paths? I do, or have done at times in my past. And I am sure this will not be the last time.

So, what I did this time was to turn to my old copy of “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. I had many other books with me, but this one seemed best suited for my reflection. So I read and I highlighted and I wrote in my notebook. I took one section at a time. There was no need to hurry. I present my thoughts for your edification and to please E.!

#1. That I can live a responsible life right alongside the life I lead missing Jim. One doesn’t necessarily need to hinder the other as much as it has been. I will miss Jimmy every single day of my life, but he would want me to get on with it; to do all the things that he had faith in me to do.

Being present in my own life will honor him. He thought of me as a strong woman so I had better not let him down, or E. or Sean or ___# insert your name here. But, mostly I need to do it for myself.

#2. Quit feeling so darn sorry for myself! Be grateful for all I have every single day of my life! OMG! I am one of the privileged few.

I have enough money to live a comfortable life. I have a warm home to share. I have family, children and friends who love me.

I have health. I have a good, working mind. I can literally do whatever I want to. I am blessed and need to appreciate that fact every day!

#3. I intend to take care of my physical body and everything that entails.

#4. I intend to be more generous with my time and love. I intend to make sure that the people I love know it and feel it, all the time, every day.

#5. And this just came to me by chance one day: To spend at least an hour every day learning a new thing or improving an old thing!

#6. Reach out to friends, new and old. Or should I say, old and older? This may coincide with #4, but for me I think it needs a number of its own. I haven’t been good at making dates or calling people. Why not?

#7. Write what I see. Write about what I am trying to learn and do like Elizabeth and Liana do on their podcast? Needs more thought…

#8. Make sure I discover and acknowledge other people’s stories. I speak enough about my own. It’s not all about me! 

You see? These are all pretty simple ideas, but hopefully, by writing them down, I will feel obligated to take action. I’ve done pretty well so far. But then again, it has only been two weeks! Wish me luck!

3 thoughts on “eight resolutions”

  1. ❤️💕♥️💙💗💜💛🖤💚
    As usual such profound statements wrapped in a simple conversational styled writing. Brilliant Ardy, just brilliant.

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