It is hard to believe that my week in Maine with Natalie’s family concluded over a week ago! It has definitely been a busy July! This photo I took on the morning of my last day with Tony, Ruth, Bentley, Natalie, Sean and Ellen at Bunkers Cove. The name comes from the name of some original settlers. There is a graveyard directly behind Ruth and Tony’s house. That surname is on most of the gravestones.
The lobster boats are mostly out, fishermen checking their traps for their daily catch. The fog, which came and went of its own accord, is obscuring the islands and mainland on the far side. I loved the contrast with the sun highlighting the skiffs and the sunny flowers. All and all it was a beautiful morning with coffee on the porch and yummy waffles with maple syrup before my last hike with my hosts.
This is a busy bunch. Sean and Natalie were eager to show me all of their favorite hikes and swimming places. I was eager to let them.
The first day which was the warmest they took me to a trail which they warned me was steep, but which, once we reached the top would provide a cooling breeze and the chance to pick as many wild blueberries as we could carry. I didn’t make it to the top. The climb was too steep for me. Nat and Ben went ahead and picked the berries while Sean and Ruth stayed behind with me. The scenery was beautiful and the blueberries were delicious in the blueberry buckle Natalie baked for us the following morning!
I need to be careful not to overdo and have people worry about me.
After lunch Bentley and Sean rowed me in the canoe while Natalie paddled in a kayak in the bay. Seals followed us. One surprised Nat by surfacing right behind her. We landed on a little island where the kids jumped from the top into the ocean. I did too! It was fun! Picnic Island.
On Friday we took the mosquito hike. I am not sure what the point was. The mountain hike was to pick blueberries at the top! The mosquito hike I’m just not sure! I asked Ruth and she said it was to see all of the different kinds of beautiful forest we hiked through.
It was a cooler day so that was good but we hiked through a swampy wet forest to get to the sea. By the time we had traversed the field leading to the entrance of the forest I had my long sleeve T shirt pulled down to cover my hands and the hood of my “I LOVE YOU” T shirt pulled around my face. The beaver dam, the beach forest, the sea view… a variety of environments to experience for sure, but I am still getting over the bites! Tony braved it as well!
In the afternoon we went to the neighbors to play croquet. Handsome Santa, aka Tom and Pam, hosted us on their magnificent lawn in front of their magnificent home!
Ellen, Ruth’s sister, arrived with donuts and a poodle named Eli. She has more energy than I ever had!
Friday our day was very busy! We played corn hole at Granite Gardens in Sullivan. We walked around the Community Gardens in Millbridge.
We got yummy sandwiches from the Knotty Lobster.
Sunday afternoon we walked around a fancy neighborhood at Schoodic Point in Winter Harbor. Lets just say one has to apply to be admitted into the neighborhood if you have the chance to buy one of the ginormous houses there. I don’t think I would pass the muster!
At Corea Bay I took many fog and rock photos. I can’t remember which day we went to Corea Bay even though it may have been one of my favorite places. It was just beautiful and peaceful. Oh maybe it was after the fancy houses!
Four words: Blueberry mocha soft serve.
Burgers for dinner. Clue.
Sean proposed to Natalie! It was a good day! They picked out her ring in April on a trip to Boston. It is beautiful. They are very happy!
We hike to Long Pond. The best hike yet. Not too difficult 1.3 miles each way. Great, gorgeous swimming lake at the end! I could literally make that hike every day just to swim in that clear lake. Perfect temperature. Perfect vibe. Not one photo!
Maybe it was this day that we kayaked in the bay again. I was a little hesitant, but I hopped into one of the kayaks and did my best! Which I have to say was not too shabby after I figured out the rudder and gained a little confidence. Sean was in the other kayak. Ben and Tony oared the canoe with Natalie as their passenger. We went across to a little island which had once been part of the slave trade. Nat and Sean think it is haunted. I finally remembered to take my small container of Jim’s ashes with me and loosed them into the Atlantic Ocean. I hope he is satisfied. Next time I come to Maine I will take them to Long Pond. He would love that!
Late lunch and another game day at the neighbors.
I may have my Saturday and Sunday hikes switched. Oh well!
Little Moose was the last hike we took on Monday before I was to come home.. The kids and Ellen went there Sunday morning while the rest of us had a lie in! It had a rocky beginning, but the view was not to be missed!
I think you can see that it was a marvelous trip and one that I now hope to repeat on a yearly basis. I love that Natalie and Sean are engaged. I love that I got to know Nat’s family better. I love that I am here to appreciate all of this love!
Corea Bay once the fog set in. There are islands over there somewhere…