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A Shared Load
  Gosh, I love these lilies. I wish they came up in May and lasted until frost! Alas, it is not so! But the do come back every year and when they do I try to enjoy the heck out of them! They are known...
On afternoons this summer when it has been too hot and buggy to be out of doors I have been cleaning my house room by room. I tend to be a pile maker. I have a hard time filing things in the right place,...
Morning Walk
9:04 a.m. and I am home from my morning walk. The thermometer says 74 degrees, but I am a sweaty mess. I’m not going to check out the humidity. I already know that it is high. I’ve been making...
The wisdom to spend your time wisely
And to seek it without reservation or apology Happy Father’s Day to all you men out there who are lucky enough to be dads! I found this little beauty thriving in a gap on a curb in downtown Lincoln...
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Three Anniversaries Later
I have a hard time not taking photos of these beauties year after year. They are just so stunning! Three anniversaries have passed since Jim’s death. I am not nearly the same woman I was after the first...
Accidental Gardening
These tulips are so very spectacular. I wait for them every year and take as many photos as they will allow! They turn from barely pink to glorious pink as they mature. What a gift for my spring garden. I...
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