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Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving photo from 2019. It had been a long day with a frozen hike in the morning, feasting with the Cunningham clan in the afternoon and playing raucous games at the Cerny’s in the evening....
An Irish Tale
It was actually the summer of 2007. I remember because it was the year Elizabeth graduated from high school. Jim and I took Elizabeth, her boyfriend at the time, Patrick, and Sean, of course, to France....
Jimmy Buffett
Selfie at our vacation in Breckenridge, CO the summer of 2014 after Jimmy’s first bout with cancer. The one he called his “little annoyance”. Sitting in the sun in a warm pool is very...
I think that we can all agree that regrets are as unavoidable as they are ridiculous. I have always been a bit ridiculous, so I do have regrets. I can’t possibly list them all here. That would be...
making up your own story
This photo was take Monday, October 18, 2021. We were celebrating life! As well as the fact that I had finally finished tiling this table that I had been working on for months! Jimmy was still feeling...
Education and rugby
Tomorrow, October 1, 2022, at the annual alumni rugby game (of which I hear there will be no alumni game) The first Jim Cunningham Spirit Award will be given out. I am so proud, and Jim would have been...
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