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team honeylamb
This is one of my all time favorite photos! June, 1996. Almost the eve of our move to Minnesota. We had a rip roaring South Twenty-eighth Street Block Party. The Lightening Bugs played. We made Hot Tamale...
Sunflowers and monarchs
I looked out my sliding doors this morning to find our new neighborhood fox standing alert in the pathway between the yews and the burning bushes that protect my patio. I held my breath even though the...
Tim, Bill, Jim, Mary and Susie.  Birthday dinner for Jimmy August 18, 2021. I spent some time the other day reading and editing what I spoke into my phone those last few months of Jim’s life. I would go...
about wasted time
Isn’t this just a perfect picture of Jim? I took in in the June of 2019. He was feeling good. He felt pretty recovered from the winter of treatments. There is hair under that hat, but not much! He...
A little hug
Thursday, September 1, 2022 I think today’s gonna be one of those days where I’m a little weepy. I just looked at his picture, the one I took when we were at a little park in Minnesota by the Mississippi...
A Good Day
I remember the day I took this picture. Sunday, February 2, 2020. Right before Covid. We were in Omaha just to have lunch with Pat and Mary. Pat wanted to get out of the house and it was warm enough to...
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