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A Few Days of REflection
I drove to a tiny town south of Santa Fe, NM when I left Sean and Natalie’s after Christmas. My little casita overlooks some spruce covered hills. The only sounds I hear are of the passenger train...
christmas 2023
We took a hike around Ruth and Tony’s neighborhood on Christmas Eve. It was darn cold! But we got some steps in in advance of a big dinner and Pepper learned that a little pond is nowhere for a dog...
Giving Thanks 2023
They all left in procession, first Andre’ and Hero, then Susie and Coco, then young Michael Horn. And yesterday evening, Elizabeth. The house seems awkwardly quiet and empty. Mary has already washed the...
How Much You Are Loved By Others
I actually should have written this Monday as that was when it was clear in my head. So I had been looking for the video of Jim’s funeral service. I knew it had been on line at one time, but I couldn’t...
In My Life
Nov. 8, 2023 So many things happened today. Number one, I was listening to music and I was working in the backyard and of course, Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl came on my Billy Joel Pandora station. ...
A weekend with friends
I wasn’t aware after all these years how rugby would affect me after Jimmy’s death. This past weekend was filled with rugby. It was a celebration of 50 years of UNL rugby! And it was fun. Bill McVicker...