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House of the Rising Sun
July 8, 1998. At least that’s what the photo stamp says. We were visiting Daddy and Lois, as were Jan and Neil, Susie and Angie. Daddy put us all in the back of his pickup and drove us around the...
Begin Again
I call them Surprise Lilies, but Pink Ladies will do as well. I took this photo on August 18, 2019. Jim’s birthday. I remember that there were so many blooms that year that I started thinning them...
a year later...
 A year ago this morning our Jimmy didn’t wake up.  Today so many emotions arise still. Many reliably the same, some so very different. A peace has nestled into the sadness, an acceptance of sorts....
questions without answers
This past week I journeyed to Kansas City to go to Opening Day at the K with Vickie and Di. It was fun as usual and the weather was warm and comfortable if not more than a little windy. This selfie is...
nobody's perfect
What a lovely day this was. Alumni weekend 2021. So many of Jim’s original team were there. There are some other photos I will download later of the ruggers in question. I remember we were going...
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St. patricks Day
Aren’t I lucky to have friends who remember my husband in the ‘before Ardy’ part of his life? This was sent to me this morning via text from RJ Neary who owned the Howard Street Tavern...