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ARDYC - jim
It doesn't happen overnight
October 17, 2015. Jim and I were driving home from the  Omaha airport after our two week trip to Ireland and France with our wonderful hosts, Jiff and Elaine Reid. Of course we needed to top off that vacation...
Growth opportunities
By the length of Jimmy’s hair I would put this photo at spring/summer 2019. We took it to make our kids jealous. I mean – UNL Dairy Store ice cream. What could be better? In my last post I...
Cards and Resolutions
Sean had just moved to Colorado Springs, Jim and I had just moved to Lincoln, and Elizabeth was still in Lawrence in the Autumn of 2013. We went to Colorado for a family weekend before Jim started his...
Questions to Ask
Fall 2016. How much fun was that trip? We started in Chicago for the famous Ireland win over New Zealand! With a stop in St Louis to visit Anita before we proceeded to Mike and Rita’s place at Shell...
A learning Curve
Poor Jim! I often made him pose for me in-between his blood-work and Dr. appointment. I’m pretty sure he got a little tired of it, but he always complied. I have photos of every stage of hair and...
A little weeping
December 12, 2020 Isn’t this a happy photo? Jim and I were taking our favorite trail through Wilderness Park and we came upon this structure. We joked that when I kicked him out of the house he could...