In My Life

Nov. 8, 2023

So many things happened today. Number one, I was listening to music and I was working in the backyard and of course, Van Morrison’s Brown Eyed Girl came on my Billy Joel Pandora station.  It reminded me of the pictures I just recently downloaded of Jim and Elizabeth dancing to that very song, their song, at her wedding in 2018. And I thought… I thought if she had not had that wedding, he would never have had the opportunity to dance with her on her wedding day. He was so proud. And I thought that whole thing, that whole wedding was so Jim would have the chance to dance with his daughter at her wedding. It was a good party as we all continue to say, but understanding this makes it all the sweeter.

And, of course, that could be me fictionalizing everything, as I do, but what I thought is true, he would not have had the chance to dance with her at her wedding otherwise. And then I did this and that I did that and I was working on that irrigation system plumbing thing today and in the end I was so proud of myself because I totally fixed it! And I was thinking how proud Jimmy would be of me for sticking to it and getting it done. So I asked Pandora to play a song for me and the next song was not particularly special so I thought okay, that’s fine. The song after that was one that we both loved, the Beatles song, In My Life. And I cried like a baby. Because I know so many times he’s here right with me. He’s not going anywhere, he’s in my heart. He filters out into the air around me from my breath, and he holds me in his arms.

And again I am so lucky. But what I was thinking and why I’m putting this down is because I want to tell other people that they need to be on the lookout for the people that they love who have passed. Because they are here with us. Jimmy is with me. We just have to look and be aware. Oh what a lesson this has been for me! I want to keep being more and more aware of what is in my mind, and what is in my heart. And what an abundance of love is here for us all to cherish.