Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving photo from 2019. It had been a long day with a frozen hike in the morning, feasting with the Cunningham clan in the afternoon and playing raucous games at the Cerny’s in the evening. We had Brandee and Andre’ with us. It was a good full  day!

Every once in awhile Elizabeth and I play a game where we list the things in our lives that we are thankful for. This has been a good year to remember to play that game.

All I have to do to remember to give thanks is to look out my window. Any window. The Blue Jays are at the bird bath right now, but this morning the Chickadees and Robins have already been and gone. The whole Cardinal family unit was here, Mom, Dad and daughter, and, of course, the Sparrows! There were so many Chickadees yesterday I was inspired to look up their group noun: banditry!

I watched a banditry of Chickadees frolicking on my patio! Ha!

And a beautiful grownup fox has found our neighborhood. When he kills mice (thank you Mr. Fox) he neatly leaves the head, tail and entrails behind! Who knew?

I am so thankful for the time and space I have to witness and enjoy all of these luxuries.

I am so thankful for the love that has been shown to me and my family this year. It has been more humbling than I could ever have imagined. I will strive to repay it when, unfortunately, it might be necessary.

I am thankful for my little family unit. Loosing Jim has shown us each just how much we need and love each other. Not that we didn’t know before, but a huge slap like this can straighten things out for you in a hurry. There are no gaps or air holes, all are sealed, our dedication and intensions are solidly welded into place. We are one unit. How many people can say that about about their relationship with their children? I can’t give enough thanks for that! Another gift from Jim!

I am thankful for my bigger family unit, chosen and otherwise. I am one fortunate woman. 

I am thankful for you! And wish you all the best. I am hopeful that when you have desperate times you have the support I have had and find the strength you need to see it through and to come out on the other side wiser and stronger.

2 thoughts on “Giving Thanks”

  1. I’m thankful you are sharing your inspirational experiences. Hope you are able to spend time with families this weekend.

  2. I am eternally grateful for the friendship and the love of life and family that Jim showed, not just in words but in deeds, demeanour, actions and thoughts. He was such an inspiration and a person I think of fairly regularly “what would Reject say or do?”. I also am grateful that he introduced me to you Ardy and Sean and Elizabeth.

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