Giving Thanks 2023

They all left in procession, first Andre’ and Hero, then Susie and Coco, then young Michael Horn. And yesterday evening, Elizabeth. The house seems awkwardly quiet and empty. Mary has already washed the sheets and towels. It’s like they were never here, but, of course they were!

It was a lovely Thanksgiving – with the exception of a Covid scare that never materialized but kept Liana away, and Sean and Natalie’s last minute decision to use the time for much needed rest instead of hurried travel. I can’t fault them for that. And I can’t fault us for wishing they had been here with us.

We had our early Thanksgiving Day Hike at Fontenelle Forest in Omaha. Our numbers have gotten significantly smaller over the years, but we are hopeful for a new generation of hikers to join us next year! It really is beautiful by the Missouri River early on a clear Fall day. No frost-bitten toes this year and coffee and doughnuts after!

Then to Patty and Bob’s for that huge meal with Jim’s big family and home before dark! We kept our promise of appetizers and desserts for dinner and then we gave Mary a lesson in Quiddler at which time she feigned ignorance before wiping the floor with us! It was fun!

We had all insisted that on Friday we would do nothing but lay around, eat and watch movies and that is exactly what we did! I think this is a really good new tradition! With a roaring fire in the fireplace we settled in. First Mary chose Holiday Inn – wildly out of date, but cute. Then Andre’ chose Jingle All the Way and I watched my first Arnold Schwarzeneger movie. We had a lively discussion about Die Hard, is it or is it not a Christmas movie and the rest is a blur! French Kiss next? There were several other movies and part of a failed football game in the mix. Plus a puzzle that Mary and Elizabeth started and nobody finished. I know we ended the a-thon with Bohemian Rhapsody. Only Andre’, Susie and I stayed up for that. Well worth the late night!

E and I had a good cry with our Saturday night movie. And so did Mary. And we (E & I) did hand holding yoga on Sunday afternoon.

Departures began on Saturday morning and as I said and ended Monday with E.’s departure. Our second Thanksgiving without Jim was a relative success. Does it still hurt? Yes. Is it getting easier to bear? I think so. I’d still rather not.

But I am so thankful for all I have: family, friends, good  health, and a home to share.   My troubles are few and my blessings are many. I am thankful for you, my dear reader. And I wish you well.

4 thoughts on “Giving Thanks 2023”

  1. So tied up in my own little world that I completely forgot about Thanksgiving and what a tradition it is in the USA.
    Ardy, you write so beautifully and with such love and passion it makes me feel like I’m an intent observer, admittedly from a very big distance.
    May your pain of losing Jim and your love for him grow and never fade.
    Every best wish.
    Mad Dog

    1. Hey Mad Dog!
      So good to hear from you! I’ve been seeing your handsome face a lot lately. Been looking at lots of rugby photos through the years! I am ever so grateful that you invited Jimmy to be a Bustard! Thank you sir! Love, Ardy C.

  2. So good to see this photo of lovely people gathered around your table. What a warm and welcome place to be for the holiday. Sending love to all.

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