How Much You Are Loved By Others

I actually should have written this Monday as that was when it was clear in my head.

So I had been looking for the video of Jim’s funeral service. I knew it had been on line at one time, but I couldn’t find it on the Roper and Sons website. Finally, duh, I just Googled his name in Lincoln, NE and I found the link! Yay! And it is still active. 

Why in the world did I want to watch it you might ask? The answer is simple. Because even though I was right there in the front row I know I missed so much. A year and a half later people still remark about what a great job Elizabeth and Sean did, but to me it’s all fuzzy. And RJ and Bill and Ron… I just didn’t remember. The Lightning Bugs were so generous with their music. I wanted to be able to appreciate the whole thing. 

So I watched it with a bottle of rose’ Sunday night. (I did not finish the bottle, thank you very much!) I am so glad I did, with a clearer eye and a much better sense of perspective. I watched the whole thing, from people milling around before the service to people chatting and making their way out of the sanctuary afterwards.

RJ, who by the way was such a help in organizing the program with Elizabeth, tearing up a bit, but doing a great job of MCing. Elizabeth, who I had to watch twice because she was so mesmerizing. Bill with his fantastic message about weaving together the fabrics of our lives, complete with props! Ron, who with no props at all providing an accurate and emotional portrayal of the South 28th Street Gang. Patty with such a beautiful  message from his brothers and sisters.

Then Vince introduced the Spirit Scholarship. And lastly Sean’s beautifully heartfelt letter to his dad. And all interspersed with our chosen songs reimagined and played by Reynold Peterson, Jim Pipher, and Steve Hanson.

Really, it was perfect.

I could only get a small glimpse of the gang handing out shots of Irish whiskey for the toast at the end because of the way the camera was positioned. They were so organized and efficient to get that accomplished in all three rooms in the course of one simple song! 

My appreciation is still completely sincere for all of those who attended, signed Jimmy’s rugby ball, or were at any time participating in the execution of the ceremony. It was perfect. Thank you.

And remember, my good friends, “A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.”

Here’s the link if you are so inclined: