This was the last family photo we took. Actually Bill Swearingen took it at his cabin. We went there to relax the day after we buried my wonderful mother-in-law, Pat Cunningham. It was a beautiful day as you can tell. We look a little rough but happy. I am so very happy we took that photo!
My question is, why did I not take a family photo at Thanksgiving 2021 when both kids were home?
Throughout our lives together I took photos to the point where my kids would groan when I got the camera out, or lately my phone. On Thanksgiving evening I got several hilarious photos of Sean, Elizabeth and Natalie on the small sofa. In the motion photos (don’t you just love that new feature) you can see Sean pretending to push Nat out of the frame across Elizabeth. They are laughing so hard. They pulled it together for the photo I took when their Aunt Susie Joined them.
But I didn’t take one photo of our kids with their father. I can only assume that I was aware of the fact that Jim was not up to it. It had been a long day. Elizabeth and Jim had gone to Omaha for the traditional Thanksgiving hike. Jim did not walk far. Nat and Sean made a scrumptious afternoon dinner. As tradition and the offer of more scrumptious food beckoned we, of course, went for leftovers at the Cerny’s.
Jimmy sat in Cindy’s comfy reading chair while we played our after dinner games. With the lovely and quite funny, Emily, added to our raucous group I am sure we were quite loud and very silly! But as soon as Jim said he was ready to go we were packed up and out the door.
Some of the silliness carried on, I’m afraid. So the first picture I took was at the end of the evening of a very long day!
For some things you just don’t get a do-over. Something to remember.