Jim would often ask me, “How’s my favorite girl?” To which I would always reply, “She’s in Seattle doing well!” There is something about a dad and a daughter! This photo they took at a beach she where she liked to hang out. Jim was there for work and stayed an extra day or two to spend time with his favorite girl! She wanted to take him to her favorite places. Those two!
Don’t misunderstand! Jim loved Sean and me as well, but what are you going to do? Sean and his dad never put their heads together for a selfie! It’s not a guy thing to do. They did puzzles and built things! Guy stuff.
Both Sean and Elizabeth were happy for me to start this blog. Both say they might want to contribute. I will leave that up to them. Writing from your heart about love and loss is a personal thing. They did, I am reminded constantly, both speak very eloquently at his service. Each delivered a heartfelt message with poise. Elizabeth sang one of her dad’s favorite songs. How did she do that!?
Jim was cremated. His ashes are in a very beautiful wooden box in my living room. I haven’t moved it since I brought it home. There is a wonderful photo of Jim sitting next to it. We also have three pretty cardboard containers, one for each of us to do with what we will.
Sean wants to take his to a beautiful spot 14,000 feet in the Rockies. I have already sprinkled some at a very scenic lookout at Guernsey Lake in Wyoming. My sister, Jan, and brother-in-law, Neil, went with me and sat with me while I wept a little, bless their hearts! I also took a small container to Florida, where Peggy, Cindy and Ruthie joined me in the ocean to set them free. He always dunked his head into any new body of water he encountered. I think he would have approved.
Elizabeth took him to the beach where this photo was taken to have her own private ceremony. I hope it helped her to heal.